Rob and Chip getting ready to announce the teams.

Chief Rob overseeing Indian Games.

Last Friday night, I took a break from camp and drove to Carlisle, PA to visit Rach Carmichael and other friends from college and to see Rach & Aaron's new home (which is amazing!) and their cute puppy Ally. Friday was a good time of catching up with Meg and Rach. We went out to dinner at a cute Greek place called the Back Door Cafe, where we all got yummy gyros - and then of course, went shopping and rented a movie. Saturday morning, we all drank coffee on the front porch and chatted, and then Ash and Debbie joined us for breakfast. It was a really good, refreshing time of catching up on each other's lives.
The Back Door Cafe (named this because you enter in the back, not the front!)

Rach & Ally (a bit blurry because Ally was moving & I took this on my iPhone)!

We are almost halfway through our fifth and final week of serving at camp, which is bittersweet. We're ready to readjust to life back at home with a normal schedule and are looking forward to our trip to the UK in a week and a half, but will miss camp and everything that goes with it... living the simple life, being in the outdoors, spending time with some very dear friends.
I had loads of fun with you when you came. I especially liked Friday night being able to catch up. We will have to get together soon!! :)