It's been over a month since my last post (probably to the dissatisfaction of my THOUSANDS of followers), so I thought maybe I should update finally. August was a busy month.
We left at the end of July for our big shi-bang honeymoon to England, Ireland and Northern Ireland. I'll be sure to post some of our favorite pictures soon. Our first stop was London, and after a delayed flight and almost not being able to get to the airport due to storms and subsequent flooding in Newark, NJ, we made it across the pond and were surprised that we actually slept on the flight. We spent a whole day trying to fit in as much sightseeing as possible because we bought "The London Pass", which gave us access to over 55 historical sights, but we only bought a one-day pass, and got our money's worth! St. Paul's Cathedral, Tower of London, Westminster Abbey, Cabinet War Rooms/Churchill Museum, and cruise on the River Thames were all included. While in London we also rode the London Eye, which provides a great view of the city, and also watched a couple in the pod next to us get engaged... Rob found that very entertaining. In Ireland, we met up with our friend Kathryn and spent a few days in Dublin, followed by a few days along the Northern Coast of N. Ireland at the Erskine holiday home. The North Coast was beautiful, especially the Giant's Causeway. We toured Belfast on a rainy day, but still had a good time and stayed dry on the tour bus, then did some shopping in Belfast. The last few days, we headed back to the Republic of Ireland to Galway and surrounding towns. We had a great visit with Kathryn, and really enjoyed our first visit to the Emerald Isle.
Once we returned in early August, work was very busy for me getting ready to welcome all of the incoming students at Eastern. All the paperwork came together from Rob's summer class for his official Special Ed certification, and he was offered a permanent position at CAT-Pickering where he worked last year teaching Social Studies and Special Education. Classes started for Rob yesterday, and he has a lot of the same students he had last year, so he is looking forward to his second year of teaching with hopes that like many people say, the first year is the most difficult.
We spent one weekend a few weeks ago in the Poconos at the cabin, and had gorgeous weather, and were able to swim across the lake without freezing. We're going back this weekend for the long weekend, and hope the weather will be just as nice! I've also seen a few good films in the theaters, and would recommend
The Time Traveler's Wife and
Julie & Julia. I read the TTW, and even though the book was better (like most books made into movies), the movie was well-made and stuck close to the book. And now that I have seen J&J, I have been cooking more and trying recipes out of my Martha Stewart Cooking School cookbook. I have mastered roasted chicken with white wine reduction sauce... and it's delicious!